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Gua Musang arowana fish price Goldfish Surgery Medication Cure for Goldfish Dropsy

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Gua Musang arowana fish price Goldfish Surgery Medication Cure for Goldfish Dropsy


arowana fish price Goldfish Surgery Medication Cure for Goldfish Dropsy

Sharing some videos
Originally Posted by situs-sk2 Sharing some videos
This is a very good information to let us know more about Dropsy treatment,Thanks for sharing!
>Maintain good water to avoid dropsy...most of the dropsy case is beyond hope
>That for sharing. That guys in the first video have a great collection of gold fishes.
>Yeah..sometime really shiok to see the tank with full of goldfishes but is not advisable as the ammonia level will be extremely high and bad for goldfishes.
>He got a huge "pond" la so still not too bad. Think hes filtration should be also pretty good.
As for bringing the gf to a vet to remove that lump... think a bit over liao la. Can just knock the fella out ourselves and use a good pair of sisscors to cut the lump off.
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